Living Your Dream Life In Every Area

Living Your Dream Life In Every Area


“I am extremely satisfied with my current job and salary after receiving career coaching. I feel fulfilled and successful in my career.”


“I am now extremely satisfied with the current state of my relationship with my partner. Our connection feels stronger and more fulfilling than ever before.”


“We are able to navigate conflicts more effectively and have developed a deeper sense of empathy for each other. Our family dynamic feels more cohesive and supportive, creating a positive and nurturing environment for all of us.”


“I wake up each day feeling motivated and optimistic, and I’m excited to see what opportunities lie ahead. I no longer dwell on negative thoughts or stress in my daily life.”

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Providing The Best Services

Career Development

Confidently reach the dream job and salary increase you want, leverage your strengths to a smooth job transition, and achieve rapid career growth and financial success.

Intimate Relationship

Build stronger relationship, overcome obstacles, break toxic pattern, and seeking for a healthier communication with your significant other.

Family Relationship

Confidently manage conflict, set boundaries, build stronger, supportive, and trusting relationships with your children, parents or siblings.

Emotion & Metal Health

Break free from confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt. Cultivate good habits, and make your life and work more efficient and high-performance.

Ready to take the first step towards achieving your goals? Let us help you get started

Sign up for a 20 minutes no-obligation FREE consultation via phone or Zoom

What Our Clients Say

George Zhou
    George Zhou

    Entrepreneur, Father of two

    “I found my spiritual mentor here, guiding, inspiring and holding my hand as we move forward together. The most impressive thing is my awareness and letting go of emotions. I am grateful to have Luda accompany me on my journey in life.”

    Chris Jiang
      Chris Jiang

      RealEstate Investor, Father

      “Luda is a very serious life coach who is highly trustworthy. He has provided me with significant assistance in my career development and family relationships.”

      Caroline Wang
        Caroline Wang

        Lifelong Learning Mom

        “Thank you Luda, I feel healed. When I woke up every morning, I felt my inner goddess, and later on I had some thoughts, but they didn’t trigger any emotional disturbance. That’s significant improvement to me. Thank you!”

        Cecilia Zhu
          Cecilia Zhu

          IT Professional

          “Thank you for not giving up on myself and for your support and encouragement, which helped me find courage, faith, and joy in life again. As the saying goes, a teacher imparts knowledge, teach skills and clears doubts. You possess all three, and are truly a life mentor with a natural calling. “

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